Freesia Basket
Grouping the same variety of flowers together in a single arrangement is attractive and stylish. In the flower world these bouquets are called mono-botanical designs. Using one type of flower to create a centerpiece is extremely easy to make too. Simply purchase the flowers of your favorite variety and mass the stems together in one container.
Cut spring bulbs such as freesia work beautifully when collected in a small basket. Their fragrance is sweet and intoxicating! With freesias you're not only decorating your space but the air space too.
All supplies are available at florists and craft stores
1 round 4-inch basket.
1 waterproof liner to fit the interior of the basket
Half a brick of floral foam
5 stems green hypericum
10 to 20 stems of fragrant lavender freesia. You can get by with just 10 freesia, 20 stems gives you a very full arrangement.
Floral clippers
Condition the flowers and greens correctly by cutting the ends of their stems, and then inserting them into clean buckets of luke-warm water that has been treated with flower food.
Soak the floral foam in a bucket of water for about 30 minutes.
Cut the foam to fit the basket liner. The top of the floral foam should meet the top of the waterproof liner. Now insert the foam filled liner into the basket and carefully fill the liner with water.
Cut the stems of the hypericum to approximately 4-inches in length. Insert one stem in the center of the floral foam and the other 4 stems toward the corners of the foam.
Cut the freesia to approximately 4-inches in length. Begin inserting the first few stems of freesia into the top of the floral foam. Work your way around the foam so that it is entirely covered with the fragrant freesia.
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